We Meet At Last!

The drive to Mogalvadi was captivating.  The villages, fields and roads seemed relatively clean, and the earth appeared greener.  Although I was clearly still in India, I felt enthralled by the view.  I knew we weren't that far away from other leprosy colonies in our area, yet the world seemed different... it seemed fresh.  After being in India for nearly 2 1/2 months it was high time I made this drive!  According to the stories, there is a legendary man in Mogalvadi who is more than an ordinary man-- he is a dance master!  I had heard of this man many many times, and I had been waiting all summer for this opportunity, for me to finally meet him!

The bus pulled onto a dirt road that led to the small colony, populated by only 7 people.  I anxiously and excitedly anticipated my meeting with the dance master!  The bus stopped.  I gathered my things.  The door opened.  Fellow group members disembarked the bus.  I followed.  And there he was.

"I --AM --JAYARAJ!"  He sang, his energetic voice carrying high into the trees around us.  A grin spread across his face as he released gleeful sounds of laughter and cheering!  I made my way over the small, yet large-in-spirit man. 

"You are Jayaraj!"  I exclaimed.

"Yes!"  He replied, and again sang to me, "I --AM --JAYARAJ!", and he added a few little dance moves to his song. 

"You are a dance master!"  I said.


"Me too!"


I told him my name, and after several attempts at saying my name I accepted that he will know me as Richard, haha.  

The remainder of my stay in Mogalvadi was a delight.  I assisted the Medical Team, which went very quickly considering the fact that there are only 7 residents in the colony!  And following the medical work, we danced :)  With Jayaraj as the lead dance master, we had a marvelous time following his movement to the Tamil music.  Everyone had a smile on their face!  I pulled out the scarves to encourage dancing with the observers, and I was able to get a few darling women to dance with me :) The next thing I knew, Jayaraj had a scarf around his head!  Brilliant :)  I followed his lead!  And I will tell you what-- Jayaraj is very deserving of the dance master title.  

So the legend is true everyone!  Jayaraj really does exist.  He really does live in a colony of only 7 people.  He really is a delight.  And he really is a dance master!  I am thrilled we met at last :)

Jayaraj and his wife, Jayamary


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