The Sparks
What are the sparks-- the sparks of India? When I considered various titles for this blog, my mind was drawn to the name of the dance methodology I'm using here-- Promethean Spark , inspired by the Greek mythology of Prometheus. If you don't know the story of Prometheus, please follow this link to enjoy a good little read about him! With this story in mind, I considered the many things that the spark represents in the story, but also what it can represent now. For me, the spark continues to represent what is said at the end of the story, found in the previous link (you can follow it again here , haha)-- "To this day, the term Promethean refers to events or people of great creativity, selflessness, intellect and boldness. The spark itself refers to the human soul, divine ambition and anything we might share with others that elevates to a more enlightened, joyous, productive and beautiful world." Already I have seen how my time in India is elevating...